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BRANCH #2213

Patricia Bradley

A longtime resident of Far Rockaway Beach, New York. As a true Rockawaynite, I attended the New York City school 

(P.S. 42Q; Junior High School 198; Far Rockaway High School). I attended Kingsborough Community College; NYC Technical College; and subsequently earned by bachelor's degree in Psychology. I was gainfully employed as a Certified CNA with NYC Health and Hospitals; NYC Board of Education; and the NYC Housing Authority. 


I pursued many passions during this life's journey, but none was more rewarding than the 19+ years working with students from Pre-K-12th grade in District 27 in region 5. I loved making a difference in the students' lives every day, it was truly a blessing to me. I have m any memories that I still treasure to this day. 


Lat but not least, my hidden talent is my creative talents. I create custom designs that I enjoy sharing with others. 


As a NAACP 2n Vice President of the Far Rockaway branch, I am committed in using my experience and talent to help with the continuing development and growth of the branch while pursuing every avenue and opportunity to bring our community to greatness especially for our youth. "Dreams deferred" is our reality for peace and justice. 


"Keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you" - 1 Timothy 1:6

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